reverend moore

Gale Maria Munson was raised in a Christian home where church attendance and prayers were mandated. Gale was Christened and Confirmed as a child in the Roman Catholic tradition. She began hearing God speak to her in the early 1970s. Eventually she transitioned out of the Roman Catholic Church. Gale dedicated her life to Christ at a Women’s Retreat, and in 1991 she was baptized by immersion as an adult in the Protestant tradition. After years of resistance Gale accepted His call to preach and teach His Word. Gale was ordained as a Deacon and licensed to preach in 2003, then ordained to The Gospel Ministry in 2005. The Holy Spirit has allowed Rev. Moore to spread the Good News of Jesus locally, nationally, and globally.
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, Rev. Moore organized IN HIS WORD GLOBAL MINISTRIES, INC. She was installed as Pastor of IN HIS WORD COMMUNITY CHURCH on May 22, 2011.
In 2005, Rev. Moore earned a Masters in Practical Theology from Regent University, School of Divinity, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In 2000, she earned a B.S. in Business and Management with an emphasis in Law and Public Policy from the University of Maryland Global Campus (previously known as University of Maryland University College.)
Mrs. Gale Maria Munson Moore is happily married to Deacon Crowder Calvin Moore, Jr. They have two beautiful adult daughters and seven perfect grandchildren.
I do not come with eloquence or superior wisdom when I testify about The Lord. I do not know anything except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This servant girl knows that in and of herself she is weak and fearful. Please know that the sole purpose of my testimony or preaching or teaching is to demonstrate the power of a True and Living God, so that your faith may not rest on me, but on our Triune Godhead—The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit